Previously, we had Connor and Kenneth, both of whom have been flourishing under the care of housemother Deborah and her helpers. Now we have a little boy aged 3 months and his 18 month old sister, neither of whom have yet been given a name. As with Connor and Kenneth, they have both been rescued from horrendous circumstances, and we give thanks to God that we have been able to bring them in under our care and provide a future for them. Please do pray for all our children that they will develop healthily in both body and spirit. Our primary long-term objective is to see young men and women mature into what God created them for, and that they will be mightily used of Him in the future.
When Andrew and Mari Shepherd recently visited the project there was great activity going on, as you will see from some of the pictures shown. It was a privilege to meet up with some of our New Zealand Trustees and friends, and also to share in the first FOP Board meeting at which there were representatives from all 3 partners.
New Classroom
The NZ team were already hard at work on the 7th classroom of the Rwenjaza Primary School which now completes that phase. Their team were also busy lining and painting the other classrooms. This is a project that New Zealand have worked really hard at and we thank God for their commitment.
Bethel Babies Home
One of their team, Simon (a tiler), also spent many happy hours tiling the veranda to the Bethel Babies Home. With the veranda railings already in place, and being used to hang babies’ clothes to dry in the sunshine, the home is in full swing. Funding has been put in place for the immediate erection of security fencing to surround the whole of the Babies Home site, and this should now have been completed. It was a joy to meet the new staff at the home who have been trained by the Watoto Bullrushes Babies Home in Kampala. We are so grateful to them for their assistance and encouragement.
With a sustainability programme very much on our agenda sooner rather than later, it was a great opportunity to get some vegetables planted. These included various different crops which have flourished well under the sunshine with a liberal sprinkling of rain in the interim. Our intention is to introduce livestock, including poultry, pigs, and goats to provide milk for the babies. Clearly, some building work will be involved in order to house the animals. Possibly, a working party from the UK will be able to make a start on this scheme within the next 12 months.
General Comments
It was very apparent that there is now much greater acceptance of this vision amongst the local folk, and we are so thankful to God for this. The benefits of the various other activities of FOP, such as SODIS (Solar Disinfection of Water), schooling, and also the setting up of a Compassion project, are clearly being seen in the area, and we are thrilled to be part of it. It was great to see George and Keziah Ruharuza (Peace’s in-laws) so enjoying the results of what has been in no small part down to them. Their determination and hard work has been an inspiration to us all. It was also a privilege to spend time at the project with Peace, William, and also Herbert, though he has now moved on. Please do continue to pray with us that God will be honoured as this work grows and more children are rescued from unthinkable circumstances.