Once the roof has been completed the next step will be to complete the internal and external finishings including the shutter doors. Then the pit latrine and staff accommodation will be built. It is anticipated that all this will be completed before the next harvest which is due in July 2023.
We do need to raise £5,000 to improve the road access from the farmhouse to the main road. Please will you join with us in praying that God will provide this extra money. If you are able to help, please contact us at info@fountainofpeace.net
The farmhouse has been our key project for 2022/23
Key projects and activities completed/commenced during the year June 2021 to May 2022
- Installation of Grid Power was completed which not only benefits the FOP village and RHS but also the local community.
- The old poultry house was converted into a two classroom block for Rwenjaza Hillside School (RHS). Provision of furniture for this was funded.
- Commencement of building a Farmhouse on our 40 acre farmland. This will include an office for the farm manager, storage facility for produce, accommodation for farm staff and an open shelter for the FOP tractor and implements.
- Water supply for the Farmhouse.
- Purchase of Threshing Machine
Key projects and activities completed during financial year June 2020 to May 2021
The Covid-19 pandemic significantly influenced our operation in the UK, insofar as promotional activities were severely curtailed, affecting our income. However, we continued to operate from a solid financial base which, along with the loyalty of our donors, allowed us to fulfil all our obligations without diminishing our ability to make additional funding available for capital expenditure projects etc. During this period the following activities/projects were completed:
- During the Covid-19 pandemic, FOP has been able to help the local community by providing them with food aid (maize flour and beans, as well as soap) to 400 families
- Completion of the 6th family home
- Rebuilding of the access road to the FOP project/local village
- Conversion of the wood fired kitchen burners to eco-kitchens in BBH and all the family homes.
- A new three-classroom block for the RHS, including provision of furniture
- Installation of extra lighting, CCTV and security fencing for the garden plot
- Purchase of Silage Machine