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Audit trip visit to Uganda April 2023 plus songs from FOP Choir

Audit trip visit to Uganda April 2023 plus songs from FOP Choir
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Three of our Trustees visited Uganda in April 2023 to undertake an annual audit. These visits are primarily for regulatory purposes in the UK, but also so vital to strengthen relationships and personally see what is happening on the ground. 

As well as visiting the FOP village, the Trustees were also able to visit the FOP school, the FOP farmland, attended a meeting with a district health official  to discuss the Saving Mothers Giving Life programme, and also see  the progress on a house for an FOP staff member that the UK team started when they visited the project in January/February 2023. Please click here   to read a report on the audit trip. 

FOP UG have recently formed a new choir with 19 of our children at the present time. Whilst we were at the project they put on a fantastic premiere performance for ourselves, some of the UG Board members, members of staff and also the school teachers. Click on these links to see the children singing and dancing excerpt 1  excerpt 2 .

When we visited the school, the children also sang a number of songs for us. Here is one that you may recognise: You are my all in all   

Below are some pictures from our visit, including brief explanations.

Here are some of our children along with Mari holding one of our most recent.


An inaugural team photograph of the FOP (Manchester United) football team. The kit has been funded by a lifelong friend of Andrew's, Geoff Fanning, who after more than 60 years as a season ticket holder along with Andrew has finally had to give up his seat, but has so generously donated funds to purchase the kit. Little Morris, apart from being team trainer, also works so hard on all the maintenance jobs around FOP - here he is receiving an angle grinder as part of a package of tools brought across with us.


Brilliant new furniture for the nursery classes, so generously funded by Harper Green School in Bolton, Lancashire.   



Progress on the farmhouse and 40 acre plot has been immense, and promises to be a major asset for FOP. Big Morris, on the left of the picture is accompanied by his second in command at the farm, and our CEO William.


Some stills from the choir performance.