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Fountain of Peace UK trip to Uganda Jan/Feb 2024

Fountain of Peace UK trip to Uganda Jan/Feb 2024
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In January/February 2024, we took a smaller group than normal from the UK to spend two weeks at the Fountain of Peace project at Miranga village, Kyenjojo, Western Uganda.

We took with us children’s clothes, shoes, toys, books, stationery, games and craft activities for the children.

Many different tasks were successfully accomplished on the trip, including the construction of two chicken coops, adding gutters to two family homes, creating book shelves for the Chaplain, painting a metal playground at the FOP school, crafts and a sports afternoon with the children, as well as spending time with the babies and children in the family homes. 

Please click the link to our gallery to see a number of photos of the different activities during our time at FOP in Uganda.