As well as visiting the FOP village and undertaking the audit for regulatory purposes in the UK, the Trustees were also able to undertake the following activities:
- An initial 6 month activity review of the Mothers’ Matter in Childbirth (MMC) project which included the following:
- Meeting with the Chief Nursing Officer and Senior Midwifery Officer at Kyenjojo Hospital Maternity Department for purposes of information gathering.
- Travelling to and meeting with the health workers at Bufunjo Health Centre Level 3, for purposes of information gathering.
- Meeting with the Senior District Health Officials and Chief Medical Officer to discuss progress with the MMC project, including future prospects / sustainability.
- Visited Rwenjaza Hillside School for the purposes of information gathering. We were also welcomed by the school children with songs and dancing.
- Visited the 40-acre farmland to assess progress on the farmhouse, a UK funded initiative.
- Informal chats with FOP UG staff members including house mothers, nannies, and members of the management team.
Please click here to read a report on the audit trip and click this link to our gallery to see a number of pictures from our visit.